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工大环保讲座(五十三)—法国国家科学研究院Emmanuel Flahaut研究员学术报告

发布日期:2017-06-23    作者:     来源:     点击:

报告题目:Potential impact of nanocarbons on the environment



报告人:法国国家科学研究院Emmanuel Flahaut研究员


Dr E. Flahautworks as a CNRS research director at the CIRIMAT (Inter-University Centre for Research and Engineering of Materials) at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France. He obtained his PhD in 1999 from the University of Toulouse, in the field of the catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and the investigation of CNT-containing nanocomposite ceramics. He has developed a synthesis route allowing the gram-scale synthesis of double-walled CNT (DWNT) withca.80% selectivity associated to a good purity.

He was apost-doctoral research fellowatOxford Universityin the group of Pr Malcolm Green where he worked on the filling of CNT with 1D-crystals.

His mainresearch fieldsare the CCVDsynthesis, functionalisationand fillingof CNT (double-walled CNT in particular), for various applications in the fields of materials (interconnections in nanoelectronics, composite materials, sensors) and bio-medicine (Gadonanotubes for MRI, CNT scaffolds for tissue engineering, cargoes for drug-delivery, etc.). Dr E. Flahaut is working on the human health issues related to CNT and graphene and related materials, including the synthesis and functionalisationas well as the study of their environmental impact.

He is expert for the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety since 2008.


The increase in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) production (estimated to reach 14000 tons in 2016) and more recently graphene and related materials (GRMs) is driven by many applications – some of which being already on the market (paints and composites for example). In parallel, questions are also raising about their safe handling and use (mainly for workers, including researchers), but also about their end of life in the environment. The CIRIMAT is focusing for more than 10 years on the CCVD synthesis of double-walled CNTs (DWNTs) [1] because they represent unique objects at the interface between single-wall CNTs (SWNTs) and larger multi-walled CNTs (MWNTs). The protection offered by the outer tube allows to modify the interface with the environment (solvent, matrix, etc.) while minimizing interferences with the inner one, and keeping a morphology close to that of SWNTs. We have also developed a synthesis of few-layer graphene (FLG) by sonication-assisted exfoliation of graphite [2]. Finally, we are also reducing graphene oxide in order to prepare a range of nanocarbons with similar morphology but a different surface chemistry.

After describing briefly the synthesis of the different nanocarbons, we will summarise and compare the results obtained with ECOLAB about the ecotoxicity of nanocarbons on different models (amphibians [3-5], algae [6, 7], etc.). We will discuss some issues about the influence of sample processing and exposure protocols as well as of the metrics for the comparison of the results [8, 9].


[1] E. Flahaut et al., Chem Commun. 2003, 1442;

[2] Y. Celik, E. Flahaut, E. Suvaci, FlatChem, 1, (2017), 74–88

[3] F. Mouchet et al., Nanomedicine, 5, (6), (2010), 963;

[4] F. Bourdiol et al., Carbon, 54, (2013), 175;

[4] F. Mouchet, C. Gancet, E. Flahaut, E. Pinelli, J-C. Boutonnet, L. Gauthier, Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 98, (8), (2016), 829-847

[6] L. Verneuil et al., Carbon, 88, (2015), 113;

[7] M. Garacci, M. Barret, F. Mouchet, C. Sarrieu, P. Lonchambon, E. Flahaut, L. Gauthier, J. Silvestre, E. Pinelli, Carbon, 113, (2017), 139-150

[8] Mottier et al., Nano Letters, 16 (6), (2016), 3514-3518

[9] A. Mottier, F. Mouchet, E. Pinelli, L. Gauthier, E. Flahaut, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, (2016), accepted

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