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工大环保讲座(二十四)——夏威夷大学Yan Tao博士学术报告

发布日期:2016-06-15    作者:     来源:     点击:


报告人:Dr. Yan Tao,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI




Dr. Tao Yan is currently an associate professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawaii. He received his Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology, a MS degree from Tsinghua University, and a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota. His research interests are in the general areas of water quality and environmental biotechnology, with focused scientific interests in microbial ecology and environmental genomics. Currently, he is working to understanding the ecology of fecal indicator bacteria and pathogens in the environment, to identify fundamental principals governing microbial community structure and function dynamics, and to develop innovative biotechnological solutions to environmental and health challenges.


Municipal wastewater systems (MWSs), including the collection and treatment systems, provide unique access to the collective microbiomes of human communities. This brings unparalleled capabilities in understanding and studying community health. This talk will present results from two case studies illustrating both the potentials and challenges of using MWSs to access human community microbiome for public health surveillance. The first study investigated the abundance and diversity of pathogenic E. coli genes, including stx1, stx2 and eaeA, in municipal wastewater. The relative abundance of eaeA gene versus the general E. coli marker gene uidA gene was determined by qPCR to estimate the proportion of EPEC in municipal wastewater, which indicates the prevalence of EPEC in the community to be around 1.0%. The diversity of E. colieaeA gene was determined by clone library construction followed by sequencing, which identified several major eaeA subtypes that are not commonly observed in health clinics. The second study obtained Salmonella isolates from weekly wastewater composite samples. The wastewater Salmonella isolates were typed using PFGE, and then compared with Salmonella isolates collected during the same time period from health clinics. The concurrent detection of numerous Salmonella serotypes in both health clinics and sewage samples strongly support the feasibility of using sewage for real-time disease outbreak surveillance.

上一条:工大环保讲座(二十五)——美国麻省大学Baoshan Xing教授学术报告 下一条:工大环保讲座(二十三)——华南师范大学范瑞芳教授学术报告